I write award-winning historical romance about pirates, privateers, smugglers and the occasional possum.
My Regency-era tale of pirates, puppies, pirates-in-training and secrets won the New England Chapter of Romance Writers of America's Readers' Choice Award.
The Pirate's Secret Baby is a follow-up to Aspen Gold winner Castaway Dreams. I had so much fun writing my morally flexible, but always fashionable, villain Robert St. Armand in Castaway that I wanted to give him his own novel. I tossed a baby in his direction, and the rest is award history.
Thanks go to my publisher, Amber Quill Press, my editor, and all my readers, of course. I also want to do a shout-out to the volunteers who judge and coordinate contests. None of this would happen without them, and their efforts are greatly appreciated by authors and readers.